



征集 Beta 測試者

Based on PCAN-Basic we develop an API for using the Extended Calibration Protocol (XCP) with our CAN interfaces. In the future the PCAN-XCP API will be available free of charge, just like PCAN-Basic.

The current version of the programming interface has now received the beta status. Therefore we are looking for beta testers with XCP experience and if possible with real application environments.

If you are interested in testing the PCAN-XCP API and have a CAN interface by PEAK-System Technik, sign up at the following e-mail address:

[email protected]


   020-3874 4528 ; 3874 4538 | [email protected]
   廣州虹科電子科技有限公司  版權所有
   華南理工大學 國家科技園 2-504
全部產品系列 > 工業通訊 > Peak System > 新聞和活動 > New Device Driver 3.x
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